Mám rada Viedeň. Všetky budovy, múzeá, radnicu, Naschmarkt, Schnitzel, Kaiserschmarrn aj Germknoedel (dúfam, že ste si všetko vygooglili). No najradšej mám určite našu korčuľovaciu tradíciu pred radnicou. Naposledy sme tam síce boli dva roky dozadu, no predtým sme tam chodili každý rok. A dnes sme konečne našu tradíciu obnovili a boli si zakorčuľovať. Ľad sa síce dosť topil, ľudí tam bolo veľa, ale svietilo slnko a znova bolo klzisko väčšie ako naposledy. Všetko zakončili super vaflami - bez nich sme nemohli odísť :D
I love Vienna. Its architecture, museums, Naschmarkt, Schnitzel, Kaiserschmarrn and even Germknoedel (i believe you've just googled all these things). But the best thing about Vienna is ice-skating in front of Rathaus. The last time we went there was two years ago, but we had not missed ice-skating there before. And today, we finally managed to get there again and it was great! Ice was melting a lot and there were loads of people, but it was sunny and rink was larger than last time we were there. We made whole afternoon even better with having waffles - we couldn't resist! :D
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