Recap of winter holiday!
Návraty do školy sú vždy ťažké. Súhlasíte, však? Najradšej by som mala vianočné prázdniny celý rok. Spojené so začiatkom roka sú vždy aj zľavy a práve preto som včera celá natešená nabehla do nákupného centra, lebo ... povedzme si pravdu - niekedy sa tým veľkých červeným posterom s nápisom SALE!SALE!SALE! ťažko odoláva. Ale bola som dosť sklamaná. No nič .. Dúfam, že si užívate víkend. Tu je zopár útržkov z mojich prázdnin.
Coming back to school after holiday is always hard. I guess you agree with that. I'd love to have winter holiday whole year. Are you that type of person who cannot resist the posters with SALE!SALE!SALE! on it? I am, even though I try not to be. But because I'm only in the phase of trying not to be that shopping maniac, I couldn't resist them yesterday.. so I went to our shopping center . However, I was very very disappointed with the things they offered. I hope you are having a good weekend. Here are some photos of my winter holiday.
Super fotky, ta prva je uplne genialna! :)
ďakujeem :)